I want to use this blog to write about the tirals and tribulations of having twins. I want to always remember these times with them, so this is a way of keeping a record, I guess you could say. I can't promise that I will always be witty, or humorous in this blog. Because really, would YOU be after spending all day with twin babies? If so, please oh please take my kids for a day! While I can't promise that, I can promise to use correct spelling, proper grammar (most of the time) and I promise to tell you all the stories about being out and about with these two. I can tell you about the girl at Walmart who was about 20 years old, knocked up and laughed at me while trying to get the girls through the door. The same girl who said she was "glad that's not me". I can tell you about the numerous people who stop and stare at my twins like they are an alien lifeform and the asinine remarks they make. Trust me, you will get a kick out of some of the things people say. Like the numerous people who have thought one of both of my babies was a boy. Now, I may not always dress them in pink frills (gag) but they are always wearing girly clothes. Not only that they have PINK car seats with PINK toys on them. Why would I do that to a boy? Seriously?? But I digress.
So, these girls try my patience. They induce at least 2 migraines per week. They stole my sleep, my body, my social life. But I would never have it any other way. We wanted them, we tried for them, it took us about a day to get pregnant with them. (Well.. we tried for one.. I guess it was BOGO day in the Small household.) We love them. They are our life now.
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