Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Here's Lookin' at You, Kid!

 As the babies get a bit older, and therefore easier to deal with, I have come to the conclusion that having twins is the best thing ever. I mean, yeah I have to repeat everything twice. It's twice the diapers to change, twice the bottles to clean, twice the screaming, twice the money! But I really and truly think having these two is a blessing. They will always have a friend. I can remember many times growing up wishing I had a twin or a sibling who was closer in age. My sister is 13 1/2 years older than me and my brother is 7 years older than me. Luckily, I had friends next door to play with. But it's not the same as having a built in best friend like my kids have.

Today Charlotte seemed to take notice of Kayley. They are always next to each other, and never seem to get phased when the other punches them in the face:

crawls all over them:

or eats the other's head:

But they never seem to really NOTICE one another. But today, as we were all hanging on the fuzzy blanket on the floor, Kayley was chomping on her hand and gurgling. Charlotte looked over at her, and smiled. Then she watched Kayley's every movement, smiling and giggling. Seriously, it was too cute. It was video camera cute. But my kids seem to have a hatred of all things electronic in their faces (with the exception of the TV, God help me) because honest to God they could have the hugest smiles ever on their faces, you put the camera up- boom. Smile gone. So sadly I have no documentation of this occurance. Just trust me, it was damn cute.

See- they can play nice.


  1. I have ALWAYS wanted twins. Always. My dreams could still potentially come true, but I would've been in heaven had I been so blessed the first time around.

    These pictures are cute, and I definitely believe you. I can just imaging how amazing it is to watch them discover all sorts of things together!

  2. very sweet post Katie, keep 'em coming!!
