Tuesday, November 10, 2009

These are a few of my Favorite Things!

I had planned on this post for today, and after reading a friend's blog, thought it was definitely a good idea. See, a friend made a post about her fears of having her baby, who is due to arrive in January. She made a comment about how oftentimes we only post the negatives about mommyhood. I have been guilty of this from time to time, although I do try to be conscious of it. I think we do it for empathy, advice or to just vent. For me, it was all of the above. I had a very tough time with the girls the first few months. Not only was I a new mom, which is overwhelming for anyone, but I had TWO babies, both of which were very fussy and always wanted to be held. I was pretty miserable for the first couple months and add to that the fact that I had lost my job, things sucked. I felt like a failure in regards to my career, but also when I couldn't seem to stop the crying and screaming. But we managed to get through it all.

The question was also asked: is it really worth it? The answer, without a doubt, is yes. There were times at first I didn't think so. I was sleep deprived, frustrated, overwhelmed and pissed off (the job thing again). But now that we got through that initial difficult period, have figured thigns out, yes. It is so worth it. And I made a list of my favorite things about being a mommy to prove why:

1. Whenever I get Kayley from her crib, after nap or first thing in the morning, she always pops her head up and gives me a huge smile. It doesn't matter if she is soaking wet and full of poop, I always get my smile.

2. When Charlotte is hanging out in her bouncy and I am putting around getting a couple things done, if I so much as walk by her, she looks up, gives me a big smile and starts kicking her legs in excitement. How can I resist picking her up when she does that?

3. When one of the girls is fussy, 9 times out of 10, they stop as soon as I pick them up.

4. All I have to do is say hi to get a smile.

5. Eventually, the cute babbling that puts a smile on my face whenever I hear it, will turn into "Mommas and Dadas".

6. The babbling is so cute that when it starts in the car, I often turn down the radio just to listen.

7. Baby bums are the cutest and softest things ever. Whenever I am lotioning the girls up after tubtime, and one rolls over and sticks their little tushie in the air it always makes me laugh.

8. Hearing the babies breathe in my ear while I carry them is such a sweet little sound.

9. Seeing the girls look at one another and smile and laugh is one of the sweetest things I have ever seen.


10. When the babies light up when I walk in the room, it reminds me that I am the center of their world, and they are the center of mine.

There are so many more great things about being a mom, especially to multiples. I may get double the screams but I get double the snuggles, giggles, coos and smiles too.

Some days the sleepless nights, screaming babies and migraines are a distant memory. If I could go back in time and choose to do this all over again, I would always choose to have both my girls.

So yes, it is definitely worth it.